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Earthy Medicine

Whilst you're out mending fences and securing the gates to your estate, take a moment or eleventy to connect yourself to the earthy medicine on offer. Getting thy feet on the ground or hands plunged into soil or sand is balm for discombobulated earthlings. Our nature demands constant earthing.Lady Luna is ensconced in Capricornia for another day or more yet. Here she shines her brightening light on many an outer planet in retrograde, which can explain the status anxiety and discomfort tucked into these yawning days.Saturn and Mars are both at home in Capricornia and Pluto will blow stuff up anywhere, as and when required. Old lore claims these three as malefics, unfavourable causers of harm. Tosh. They just take no shit. All three are still retrograding, asking us to peer deeply back into our lives to get the foundation stones solid.Saturn rx is a restriction that forces us to do the real work required to get the bones right. No shirking, no excuses or your foundations will rot. Pluto rx is a proctologist's eye view of our personal power structures, how we use 'em and abuse 'em. Mars at the pointy end of his rx has had us having to resist the fight in favour of redirecting our fire, sans immolation. Discomfort much? That is the whole point, unbalmed by blame and unsung in their collective power to transform.Tomorrow the blessed virgin arrives as we shift out of roaring season and into the well grounded pragmatism of Virgo. This is a month in which to get our feet solidly on new ground, clean up any eclipse hangovers and get organised to take on our brave new world.Earthy retrograde medicine may be a bitter pill to swallow but its worth getting mud in your toes and sticks in your hair for. Plug back into mama nature and stay there. After all, we can only rebuild from the ground up.Photo via VogueWords © Kerrie Basha, 2018