Courting Transformation
It is one thing to bang on about eclipsia as a season of change. It is quite another to court your own transformation.The thing about our greatest work in progress is that it tends to happen from the inside out. Its genesis is discomfort. Things don't sit right within or fit right in your world. What once was potent is now poison. What used to make sense is suddenly bonkers and worse, perhaps may always have been. Eclipsia is notoriously good at hauling back a gauzy veil and shredding it for evermore.The moment you get sick of the shit is profoundly beautiful. Yes even when it comes wrapped in disaster and laden with proper expletives. This is when discomfort becomes galvanising. Inevitably the day you start forming sentences with possibly the three most powerful and underrated words to ever kick off a new chapter.You know what.It's never a question. There's barely a pause. It is always the strident preamble to a statement that shapes the immediate future of the mouth it tumbles from. Clearly. Bravely. Definitely. It remains a billboard sized marker for me, whether expressed to me in a reading or over vats of wine with friends. It is the moment the light switches on and the darkness is transformed.There's no point clinging. Nothing is fixed or guaranteed. Stasis is death to your vaulting evolution. Eclipses are built to enable our shapeshifting, their tendrils reaching deep into the heart of our tremouring old self and joining her to her future. Not even on pain of death can you allow that vital process to be halted, altered or bowed by any other.If it is meant for you it will stay or return, but not because you do.If it is shackling you, this is release.If it is reshaping you, submit to the shift.Let nothing stand in your way.Eclipsia rewards the courageous and punishes the stale. Your feet may well be shaking but it could equally be your new wings taking shape.Cackle worthy meme via @mikailahstarwitchWords c. Kerrie Basha, 2018