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One Last Mercury Retrograde

If you have had one of those infuriating weeks where things just didn't line up, well may you waggle your finger at Mercury stationing to turn retrograde. And now that Uncle Merc has officially started backing the truck up you can go on to officially blame him for everything else that goes awry, astray or tits up until Christmas.If however you don't subscribe to pop astrology's Chicken Little approach to this magical transit, you can use this three week period (plus the two shadow zones bookending it) to neatly tie a bow around the surprise package that was 2017.Our fleet footed messenger planet in Sagg is inviting us to widen the lens so to see the bigger picture. As much of it as we can. Retrograding here as the year winds up in its usual mad dash to the finish line may well take its toll on our best laid plans. Anticipate and allow for this. Rather than focusing on the fuq up, watch instead for the tangent. His calling card is always delivered with a wink and a smile because Mercury knows the final destination better than we do.In Sagg this retro will be a grand revealer of truth, much as we already feel like we are gagging on it. Each misdirection will provide new information, the kind that may not have found you any other way. Just don't panic. Don't act in haste. Shit will go wrong and stuff will break or stop working. People will say shit they did not mean to (but now cannot be unsaid). Maybe even you too 🤤 Leave it for a day or two and try again. In that space lies the magical redirection.A retrograde lens encourages us to peer backwards. Under the supermoon and the solstice alike, we can now begin to weave sense of the cycles soon ending, so to prepare for the new.These transits are always a creative boon, this formless energy the ultimate cauldron space. You cannot control it. Take your hands off the wheel. Listen intently for the muse. Who cares how much sauce you get on your face in the process? Spend the next three weeks pretending this is happening for you not to you. And so it will be.Cartoon: Bob's BurgersWords © Kerrie Basha, 2017