Saturn City Limits
Saturn at the station as he approaches the completion of his work in the Saggilands to head for his home state of Capricornia and the screws are tightening.Never one to leave loose ends or unfinished business, Saturn's final hurrah only underlines the job of his three year long soujourn in Sagg. One of the great themes of this period asked us to consider just how we remain free when constrained by the requisite structures of our lives.Played out on the world stage we have had issues of immigration and border security to wrestle with worldwide, watched as yet more invasions and a tough fisted approach led to greater carnage and terror and seen the burgeoning tendrils of the structural revolution required at every level - socially, politically and financially - for our world and all its peoples to survive.Look for the reflection of these issues on your own little stage and note well those big life lessons in this arena throbbing away since the close of 2014. As we approach its conclusion and Saturn neatly wraps up his work here, well may you be mired in limitation consciousness if you feel the lack of evolution in any of these areas of your life.Saturn rewards effort so any kind is better than none.What Saturn could not care less about and will absolutely not respond to:⚠️ the blame game⚠️ whingeing, whining and non specific bleating⚠️ empty promises and lies to cover your lack of effort or progress⚠️ procrastination⚠️ abject laziness, particularly when shrouded in a staggering lack of personal responsibility⚠️ bullshit, horseshit, your shit. Any and all kinds of shit.What Saturn rewards:⚠️ effort, particularly when it is targeted and consistent⚠️ doing The Work sans short cuts, pole vaults and quick fixes⚠️ solid commitment to seeing yourself through, most particularly when it gets HARD⚠️ self discipline, grit, determination⚠️ integrity and impeccabilitySaturn is crossfit for the psyche. He is not renowned for his sense of humour. Even in Sagg, there's no kidding around.It is time to get past your own shitty limits, once and for all. Use the discomforting Saturnine prodding of this week to push you beyond, lest you be left behind in a prison of your own making."You better werk"~ Britney / Saturn (although he spells everything correctly)© Kerrie Basha, 2017