BOHOMOFO | Author ♰ Shadow ♰ Tarot ♰ Channel ♰ Coven

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Void Moons are for Dreaming

We are still bathing in the afterglow of yesterday's full moon in Pisces and the muses are all about us. She is void now before she charges into Aries this afternoon, igniting the fire in our bellies. Void moons are delicious liminal spaces that if we are quiet and still enough have much to reveal to us about the world around us.How to get quiet? Turn down the volume on the questing madding world constantly clamouring for our lazy attention and tune in to the song your heart sings. Step away from the screen, the noise, the bluster and fuss. It will all still be there unabated when you get back.How to get still? Create a point of focus and stare at it. That simple. No fancy clothes or postures or mantras. Just you, your eyes and a beautiful vista / flickering flame / bowl or body of water. Sit and stare and marvel at where your mind takes you when you do not call it back. Watch closely what she reveals to you. Listen.With Neptunia still hurling liberal amounts of high magic our way, your dreamscape is the everything. Mainline the wonder and mystery of your own inner space. This day is built for dreaming.Never let it be said that to dream is a waste of one's time. Our dreams are our realities in waiting. In dreams, we plant the seeds of our future.~ K. EdwardsWithout leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.~ Gloria SteinemMy dreamweaving door is open if you are looking for a helping hand to sift through the metaphors of your great mystery. Dream big.