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Astro Update: Saturn Chiron

If your weekend was one giant bag of tears, punctuated with a light goring or a brutal renunciation, we all have the Chiron Saturn conjunction to thank. Exact over the weekend and still wiping away tears until May 12 - not coincidentally when Mercury is out of his retro shadow and post the intense Scorptastic full moon - this is one of our big opportunities to make significant and enduring change.The thing about that kind of life altering transformation to our inner space is that it requires turning to truly, honestly, painfully face our greatest sore points. Enter Chiron, the keeper of our childhood scars and player of the default mixed tape we oh so mindlessly operate from, as we blame everyone and everything outside of ourselves for our own pain.As he bumps uglies with our planetary taskmaster Saturn, we can only evolve and save ourselves if we are prepared to do the work. Saturn is not interested in bullshit excuses or the blame game. He is not fooled when you play martyr or victim. He accepts nothing less than your solid commitment to changing whatever it is that keeps you tethered to the broken record of your Tale of Poor Me.Sounds harsh? Heartless? Clinical? It sure is but if old Father Time sees a willingness behind your tears and just enough of your backbone, he will come to the party with lashings of endurance, diligence and a promise to keep you on task and on track. Saturn gets results, but only if you match his work ethic.You will be required to descend to the murkiest corner of your shadow. This is not a path for the fainthearted or the weak. It will break you before it makes you. But if you don't light that candle, you will forever be stumbling around in your own darkness.© Kerrie Basha, 2017This incredible image by Lightwitch