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Dark Moon : Beyond The Abyss

The dark moon is upon us Bohemians and its heaviness descends after a fairly black week for many. So often when our world has been rattled and our framework shaken and shifted, we look around to find ourselves in a strange new landscape. Suddenly, when only hours or days before we knew where we were heading and why, we are peering into the abyss.An awful lot has changed this year. We find ourselves looking for a Brave New World that hasn’t quite arrived. Not yet.Conventional wisdom tells us that in the face of danger we should sit still. Stand down. Run back to where we are safe and secure. In modern society we are constantly policed because the presumption we are fed is that we could not possibly intuit our own path forward. It is the tenets of convention and what we are supposed to do that hold us fast, bound by chains padlocked by others.This past year we have been asked – or told in no uncertain terms – to shake off those chains. We have been challenged to question why they are even there and how we can move on without them. Many of us are held fast in cages we build for ourselves, where the door has always been wide open. We limit ourselves with our ideas of what could go wrong. In explicit, gory detail we tell ourselves the hypothetical story of how and why we could fail.This is why I love The Fool. Look at that unreasonably happy man! He has no fear, stepping off the edge without even looking down. He carries everything he needs with him and is unencumbered. He has set off in search of adventure with an open heart and mind. He embraces the change that he knows is upon him with a smile and a skip in his step.What does he have that we don’t? Trust. We don’t trust ourselves, we don’t trust our vision, we don’t trust that if we take a step into the abyss we will find a soft landing or *gasp* learn to fly. We have been told to stay away from the edge, to play it safe, to do what we’re told. If you think about anyone who has truly succeeded on their own terms, the mavericks and the dreamers, they have all thumbed their nose at the conventional directives and carved out a path that many after them can follow.At the end of this week, when the dark moon is done, we have a monumental opportunity on its way. The planets are aligning to gift us with an absolute beauty, a celestial line up that provides a rare and magical window for us to create the life of our dreams. If you’ve already begun, here’s where you kick it up a gear or three. If you haven’t, here’s where you can step over the start line.Until then, use the creative soup that is the dark moon to let go of those demons. To face down the beady eyes that blink at you from in the black recesses of your mind. This is our final chance, after such a turbulent year, to relinquish everything that has been shaken loose from our lives for a reason.And then Bohemians, we rise. C. Kerrie Basha, 2014 - top image is mine own.