Tarot Reader ♰ Shadow Work ♰ Author
♰ Psychic Channel ♰ Coven Electric



Welcome, darkling to Bohomofo.

Kerrie works at the crossroads of vision, creativity and imagination as a storyteller and author, tarot reader, shadow guide and practicing witch. Her first book Morsel was released in 2022 after more than a decade of publishing online. Making her home on the wild east coast of Australia, Kerrie works worldwide online and in clinic spaces in Sydney and Ecotopia Warriewood by appointment. Guided by the moon and stars above and earth below, Kerrie intentionally creates safe curated spaces for you to connect to your path and power, your soul self and your innate guidance.

With a decades long background in natural and alternative therapies, plant and magical lore and a deep commitment to ongoing learning, Kerrie is passionate about reflecting your innate wisdom back to you in myriad forms. Dance with your shadow through her signature program. Share time together playing with cards and signs and whispers. Enjoy an energetic treatment in clinic. Attend one of her visionary meditations or storytelling workshops. Follow her regular cosmic insight via the blog or dive deep into your own magical practice in the Coven Electric.

The digital door to this witch’s cottage is always open. Your curiosity and enquiries, musings and wonderings are welcome, without judgement or exception.

Stay a while, darkling. It is so very lovely to have you here.